Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In contrast

to the total whimsy and pure fun of Sheila McGraw's Papier Mache Today...is the beauty of The Art and Craft of Papier Mache by Juliet Bawden. Whereas McGraw's has you diving in and having fun right away, Juliet Bawden is a perfect complement. She begins with a history of Papier Mache...and putting it in perspective with history and other art forms. Papier mache has been a part of the Folk Art tradition of most of the world.

Juliet uses half of the book to explain in depth the different styles of using Mache...strips, pulp, different glues...all...well written and easily understood. The pictures of her work (in explanation of each technique) are delicate works of art. Her style vs McGraws are just two sides of the multi faceted papier mache die!

Included, also, is a wonderful section on finishing techniques...with lots of decorating ideas!
The second half of the book is filled with a variety of projects. It shows the total versatility of papier mache...and leads to building a huge "to-do" list...lol

I just noticed that she has another book at Amazon Marketplace...I am definitely ordering that...I can't wait to see what she's been up to!

This book and Sheila McGraw's are two totally necessary books for the starting Papier Mache artists...both books open up the creative flow...keep a note book handy, 'cause you will forget half of the wonderful ideas you get...hehehe

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